
Our library of articles and online tools explores the environmental and political consequences of driving and oil addiction. We provide background information about greener auto alternatives, driving for maximum mpg, and the technology and fuels that make it all work.

Buying Guide

Everything you need to know as you prepare to purchase an alternative vehicle.

Culture & Market

From market data to hybrid news: all the hybrid lifestyle info that’s fit to print!


Learn about the environmental impacts related to your car choice.


The tiger in your tank is changing its stripes. What are your options?

Gas Mileage

Learn from drivers who have used trial and error to reach new levels of fuel economy.

Incentives & Laws

What perks are government leaders offering to encourage you to buy a greener car?

Oil Dependence

Oil is the raw material that makes the economy flow. What does that mean for us?


A tour of hybrid systems, types, components, and history.

Troy Brouwer, de Calgary Flames, an une chance de marquer tard contre Anaheim Ducks